Thursday, October 29, 2009

M is for moving

So the truck is booked and a rather over-smoked, husky sounding account manager has told me that all is in order. I leave this in her capable hands - despite not having done an inventory and with only a very vague email of what we own, G the account manager assures me it will fit in the truck and will be in Joburg on the 1st December. The insurance side of things makes me a little nervous. I notice in the small print we are not covered if the truck is hi-jacked. It is odd how you get used to things like that here.

I have been thinking about our move of late. In London despite living a mere 5 miles from work it took me over an hour on the bus. It was my commuter time... a great time for contemplation during which time I often resolved many issues to and from work (more so on the way; the way back was usually fighting the whirlie twirlies after a session in the pub). My life here has been very different. Most recently I have worked from home. Well actually from my bedroom. To be more precise, actually from my bed ....Before I divulge too much more how common is it for bosses to find your blog?

So I have had no commuting (it takes very little time to be up and ready for 08h30 when the most that needs to be done is a mere reshuffling of pillows) and thus I have little time for contemplation. So my time is now in the bath. With M asleep, M1, M2 and T fed and watered and J watching the box, I hit the bath and come up with fabulous ideas like writing a blog, or money making ideas like an online shop, a creche, to become a designer, vegetable crisps, organic frozen baby food, waterproof laptops so that I can capture the ideas that I later know all the creative ideas where I can lead a successful, relaxed, stay at home mum, kind of a life. Usually at my most creative or indulging my imagination, the cold water of the bath wakes me up to the rude awakening that in just over a month, the three humans in our household are going to have to be up (yikes), dressed (what not another track suit day?), fed (what happened to mid morning snacks when the emails slow down) etc and out of the door (wooohohoo, slow down I am beginning to taste vomit in my mouth) by 7am in order to drop M off in one direction, beat the traffic and be at work by 08h30. My boss' husband apparently lives off 3 hours sleep so I know that despite being deprived of these 2 hours sleep each day, I will survive.

It is odd though how this menacing thought of the changes in routine infiltrates my thoughts and affects me far greater than moving to the unknown.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My welcome note

My friend just sent me her blog. There were two articles in particular that I loved - the one about the cats that I once owned and left to her when I emigrated and the one about my wedding. It got my thinking. I too want a blog, I want followers and I want people to comment on my stories. I have always hated writing, but soon after reading her blog, I sat in the bath and realised my life is full of stories. And I am going to share them.

So by way of introducing myself, I thought I would do so through my family. I am 'S' (that is how above mentioned friend refers to friends and as she is a novelist, I will too. I am married to J, and we have little M - a 7 month old bouncing girl. We too have M1 (the dog) and M2 and T the two (new) cats. That's us, a perfectly happy little family unit. We live in a cottage far too small for the 6 of us, and are soon to relocate to the City of Gold in the Southern Hemisphere. By soon - I mean in 6 weeks time. Aware of the crime stats for the City of Gold, we are completely pooping ourselves but have numbed the pain by renting a much larger home with a POOL.

I work in fashion, which is a complete joke (if you were to see how I dress that is). I hope that one day the run of the mill, drab kindovalook that is my signature, will be the forefront in fashion and I will be interviewed on my inspiration for so casually throwing together a look. Until then I work hard and I love my job (most of the time). It is probably opportune to further elaborate on my unique criteria for choosing garments. My above mentioned blogging friend pointed out that my entire wardrobe had dissolved into a murky ginger palette. This in fact was completely intentional as one of the above mentioned orphaned cats was in fact ginger and I just found it easier for G (G is for Ginger in this case) to malt on me if we complemented each other. That is how I do fashion.

With the Great Trek around the corner, I hope that this will provide great relief for me and huge entertainment for you. Til my next posting - good night