Monday, November 2, 2009

The heat is on

Somewhere is my schooling I learned that a temperature of 41 degrees was basically death's door whilst 37.5 degrees is the human average. With only 3.5 degrees as room for error, there is not a lot to work with (unless I have a digit wrong :).

I picked up little M today and 'calmly' decided that she felt really, really rather hot, and far too close to the 41 degrees for comfort. Minutes later, with her carrot supper still smeared over her face and half naked, dog hanging onto the passenger seat for dear life, I was half way to my mother in laws for a little advice. I wouldn't say I am a hypochondriac (I leave that to my friend H - you know who you are!), but rather medically-independent with the modest skill of being able to self diagnose most things with the useful help of google (please don't ask what poor J had to endure on a weekly basis during my pregnancy!). Anyway M is fine, the temperature I am assured is a common symptom of teething and as well as a side effect of the vaccination she had today which I forgot clear about. I will however be running a tight ship tonight. I have resigned myself to the fact I will, like M have no sleep tonight. I am camping next to her bed and am typing this in the dark, with the genius use of my laptop screen providing the necessary examination light. I will be watching out for any possible sign of convulsions which I have just read about (wink wink).

Her temperature isn't the only thing that has risen today. I spent Sunday clicking on my blog to raise the traffic (you will notice at the bottom there is a little sign that says "how many people are reading my blog"). It was unnecessarily and embarrassingly low for the first couple of days so I decided to give it a little boost and sat mundanely clicking on its various links to raise the number. Well I know I stopped at 34 but then today to my sheer delight I noticed (phhhh noticed makes it sound like I happened upon it as opposed to admitting my obsession for it) that I have had 66 visits. That means 32 genuine clicks - and 3 comments - hoorah I have a new lease of life - someone is out there!!! Some one is reading this! It is like seeing the first bud sprout from your home grown veg!! Bring it on.

It is 4 weeks today that J, me and M the dog will set off in our two cars and make the journey from CT to Joburg by road. Little M will stay behind with her grandmother and take the more sensible route by air a couple of days later. The heat really is on.......

1 comment:

  1. I think I know hypochodriac H! Imagine how she feels about swine flu XXXX
